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Atlas of Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine

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Unparalleled reference for any
auricular acupuncturist wishing
to enhance clinical outcomes!

"The Atlas is magnificent. It is clear, precise, aesthetic. I am happy to be able to write the Preface for the Atlas, and I am sure it will become a reference in the future years. Auricular Medicine will surely find its place in the USA because of publications as rich as this."
Dr. Raphaël NOGIER
A 100-page multi-color atlas of the ear designed by IMS to demonstrate various anatomic structures of each of the three embryological tissue origins: mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm.

The art work was created by a team of physician acupuncturists with a medical illustrator and graphic artist.

The atlas allows the auricular acupuncturist to localize numerous structures in each of the three Phases of the anterior ear as well as Phase 4 on the mastoid or posterior ear.

The Atlas provides a perfect complement to the Reference Charts, and is designed on a map design rather than an anatomic design, to allow identification of structures that cannot be drawn on the anatomic charts. Various reference zones form the works of Nogier are included, as well as treatment indications from the authors' own experience.

The Atlas is constructed with a spiral spine for ease of use and is on 24-pound heavy paper. It contains 150 illustrations, 138 of which are in full color.
Introductory Offer: Save $40!
Limited time offer
Atlas. $125   Only $85  

Pocket Atlas of Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine

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Unparalleled reference for any
auricular acupuncturist wishing
to enhance clinical outcomes!

Now the same illustrations in our highly acclaimed Atlas are now available in a new pocket-sized (4.25"x 5.5") Atlas! Now you can have the leading advanced Auricular Therapy Atlas and the convenience and portability of the pocket-sized version.
Pocket Atlas. Only $47.50  

Reflex Charts Net -2000 Tens Seminars


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